Piethorne Binns Farm Cellars - Derelict Manchester:

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Friday, 22 March 2019

Piethorne Binns Farm Cellars

Binns Farm Cellars


A very interesting ruin of Binns come into view. Search around here and the wide opening of an old barrel vaulted cellar can be easily found. The cellar at Binns looks very much like a traditional “root cellar” as popular with the American settlers.

<img src="Piethorne Binns Farm Cellars.jpeg" alt=" images of  underground structures" />

I’m not sure how safe it is to go inside, but there’s a good bit of architecture remaining in with what looks to be a hole for an old stair leading down after some distance. Very well-preserved considering it was possibly built as far back as the 18th Century and has been derelict for more than a hundred years.

Click here for more images


  1. I wonder if it can be obtained? Can it be buyed? Or ist it more like a 3000y old iron age relic and under monuments protection? (If so its the best whats to do. I never would want to see historic sites in private hands!)
    But if Binn was a nice guy who lived there, Idk when, maybe after ww1 or 2? It would be a ruind farm what could be rebuildt. If its not und monument protection for a ww1 or 2 relic.

    What kind of status does it has? Has it any? Or is it just a cool underground Farmhouse but without historical importance? Is it just a cool place? Hey, and now I just ask myself, are you the owner?

    You can @Mail me under sideshowflop90@gmail.com

    I would appreciat it when you answer. So thank you in advance

    1. Hi Simon, all the land is owned by United Utilities as Binns Pasture, is close to three reservoirs...
