Coal Bank Mill - Derelict Manchester:

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Coal Bank Mill

Coal Bank Mill..derelictmanchester

 Coal Bank Mill

According to the Monkey Town: The History of Heywood website, situated close to Naden Brook and  marked on  the 1847 O.S map as a cotton mill, and consecutively  listed, in 1891, 1928,1938. However the site is not listed on the 1955 map. Observing the ruin, the original building may have been dated to around the 1790's.

The site of what was once part of  a thriving textile industry, located within Ashworth Woods near Wolstenholme Fold. the location is close to Norden village, 3.5 miles North West of Rochdale..

<img src="Coal Bank Mill near Rochdale.jpeg" alt=" images of  mill ruins">

Much of the mill was then pulled down and great quantities of the stonework taken away. Part of a wall still stands, as do the foundations of several buildings at either side of the walkway. 

<img src="Coal Bank Mill near Rochdale.jpeg" alt=" images of  mill ruins">

<img src="Coal Bank Mill near Rochdale.jpeg" alt=" images of  mill ruins">

<img src="Coal Bank Mill near Rochdale.jpeg" alt=" images of  mill ruins">

<img src="Coal Bank Mill near Rochdale.jpeg" alt=" images of  mill ruins">

<img src="Coal Bank Mill near Rochdale.jpeg" alt=" images of  mill ruins">

<img src="Black Pits Mill.jpeg" alt=" images of  mill ruins, remains of the wall, facing north">

<img src="Black Pits Mill.jpeg" alt=" images of  mill ruins">

<img src="Black Pits Mill.jpeg" alt=" images of  mill ruins">

These are the remains of possible 'Fulling Tanks' located close to the ruin, these stone structures would have been used as part of the processing of textiles.

<img src="Black Pits Mill.jpeg" alt=" images of fulling tanks">

<img src="Black Pits Mill.jpeg" alt=" images of stone tanks">

<img src="Black Pits Mill.jpeg" alt=" images of  mill ruins">

<img src="Black Pits Mill.jpeg" alt=" images of  mill ruins">

Bridge Crossing Naden Brook

<img src="Black Pits Mill.jpeg" alt=" images of  stone bridge">

<img src="Black Pits Mill.jpeg" alt=" images of  stone bridge">

Coal Bank Mill..derelictmanchester

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