Scaitcliffe Hall, is situated on the outskirts of Todmorden, UK.. I explored this site with
Sacha Yasumoto, not only is Sacha an interior designer, but is also a well known Hong Kong based urban explorer.
Origins: The hall is believed to have been constructed in the late 16th century, although the exact date is uncertain. It was built as a manor house and was originally known as "Skeggsall" or "Skeggs Hall." The early history of the hall is not well-documented, but it is known to have been occupied by several prominent local families, other sources claim that the actual site may have been occupied 700 years ago.
Ownership by the Crossley Family: In the early 19th century, Scaitcliffe Hall came under the ownership of the Crossley family. John Crossley, a wealthy carpet manufacturer, purchased the property in 1818 and made significant alterations and additions to the building. The hall became a grand country residence, reflecting the family's prosperity and social status.
Doas anyone know why it got shut down