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Types of Structures


Understanding Prehistoric Sites: A Closer Look at Barrows and Cairns

Prehistoric sites, particularly barrows and cairns, serve a range of purposes, many of which continue to be debated among archaeologists. One possible function of these ancient structures could have been as territorial markers, helping to demarcate land boundaries. Due to the limited material evidence available, there is no conclusive proof to suggest that these sites were part of a larger commune or permanent settlement. Another plausible theory is that they may have been used as temporary camps during certain periods.

The positioning of these sites provides further insight into their significance. Many barrows and cairns are strategically placed on prominent skylines, enhancing their visibility and creating a sense of dominance over the surrounding landscape. Additionally, the way in which artefacts, such as funerary urns, are deposited at these sites adds another layer of meaning. For example, numerous urns found during excavations were often buried on the southern or western side of a barrow, which is thought to have cosmological implications within the context of prehistoric beliefs.

Round Barrows: Evolution and Significance

Round barrows are a key feature of prehistoric northern Britain, having evolved from the Neolithic period. These structures are often located in areas that were less productive for agriculture, such as hilltops, and are generally detached from larger settlements. A prominent example of round barrows is the bowl barrow, which is created by throwing soil inward from the surrounding ditch to form a mound. This method of construction is typical of these sites and can provide clues about the communities that built them.

Ring Cairns: Ritual and Function

Another significant feature of prehistoric northern Britain is the ring cairn. These structures are typically made up of a circular bank or a flat wall. In some cases, the central area is filled with soil, transforming the cairn into a platform cairn. A distinguishing characteristic of some cairn sites is the presence of an outer ring of stones, which suggests a possible ritual function, marking these sites as significant places for ceremonial or spiritual purposes.

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